The American Psyche: Part 2

As of this writing, the list of candidates for president is down to five. On the left you have Doc Brown from the film series Back to the Future,” a septuagenarian who still believes in the Tooth Fairy. Look up the words, “liar,” “corruption,” or “shrill harridan” in any dictionary, and you may find the bland countenance of Hillary. On the other side, it’s just as bad. There’s Ted (Tricky Dick Nixon, Jr.) Cruz. Then there’s the spoiled little rich kid who, in 69 years, has yet to have a complete thought, let alone a rational one. And let’s not forget Mr. Lifeless, John (“back in the ‘eighties, I used to be somebody…I think”) Kasich.

Hell, yes, the rational side of the American electorate is both angry and worried. We’re angry at the decades of self-serving and corrupt incompetents that have lined their own pockets at the expense of American exceptionalism. And we’re worried about the weakening of the U.S. military and intelligence capabilities, the asinine rules of engagement that shackle our soldiers, the steroidal proliferation of regulations that has destroyed small businesses and, with it, the middle class. It’s good to remember that societies with large middle classes are free and democratic. Those without them are a mass of people living at subsistence levels, if that, and the elite who rule them.

So, is that it? Is that just the way it has to be? Is there no course of action that can reverse the apparent path of decline America is following? Of course there is; we’re Americans. We’ve always been able to overcome challenges. The improbable we do immediately; the impossible sometimes takes a bit longer. But the answer seems clear. No, it isn’t something as violent and destructive as an armed insurgency,  as some might advocate. It’s a revolution in the way we think. 

Consider this: Marxists, styling themselves as “Progressives,” long ago hijacked the old blue collar Democratic Party. Corrupt self-servers hijacked the Republican Party. There have almost always been two political parties in America. Just because “we’ve always done it that way,” does that mean it has to stay that way? Have we as a society reached the point where we can’t find 535 honest, rational patriots to fill the seats in Congress? Nine Constitutionalists to comprise the Supreme Court? One individual with the decency, shrewdness, and values of Ronald Reagan to occupy the Oval Office? No and yes. No, if we continue to slavishly support the existing parties. Remember, one of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting a different result. But the answer is Yes, if we start now to create a new party that shares our anger and concern, and represents the will of the people who elected them.

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